
Industrial Athlete Operating System: Pre-Assessment


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    Part 1 - The Human Shift: From 1-Dimensional Employee to 4-Dimensional Industrial Athlete

    To engage people to perform optimally, we need to shift from valuing employees in a one-dimensional view of productivity to valuing them like high-performing athletes. To do that, we focus on the same four areas that top athletes do: performing at their highest potential, being fully engaged, developing their talent, and being a team player.

    Team members are empowered with a purpose greater than themselves to perform the activities needed to achieve goals and fulfill customer needs.
    Team members have the right amount of challenge that matches their skill level so that they are optimally performing.
    Team members receive feedback on what they are doing to help them stay on track.
    Team members have a sense of ownership by being fully involved, committed, enthusiastic, and active to thrive in performing in their tasks.
    Team members seem to have an overall sense of joy and fulfillment from being engaged in their everyday tasks.
    Team members are made aware of and understand their unique interests, talent, and skills.
    Team members have the opportunity to creatively increase and develop their talent.
    Team members have the freedom to take risks without the fear of failure or making mistakes.
    Team members exemplify high trust and work together cohesively to create synergy.